2 de Junho _ 1St Conference on Shipbuilding, Ship Repair and Conversion

Dia 2 Junho – 14h30 às 17H30 – Auditório CGD

Organizer: AIN – Associação das Indústrias Navais

Challenges of the maritime industry in the Motorways of the Sea

This Conference embraces all the maritime industries and problematics of the Motorways of the Sea, where Portugal plays a relevant role. The conference addresses the actual problematics of IMO MARPOL VI, the technologies involved for its satisfaction as well as the technical challenges and opportunities for the marine actors, like shipyards, authorities, ship owners and operators as well as knowledge centres like universities, institutes and governments (pollution control policies). Very demanding problems need to be addressed by advancing environmentally friendly solutions like LNG and other marine renewable fuels to mitigate the effect of the intense marine traffic of these Motorways of the Sea.


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